Building Dynamic Applications Using jQuery Mobile

Pat McLoughlin

  • Technical architect for enterprise solutions
  • Background is in services oriented distributed web applications
  • Will post links to the demo application and source code via blog

Dynamic Applications Solutions


  • What is a dynamic mobile solution?
  • How do dynamic mobile solutions fit into the enterprise?
  • How do enterprise concerns drive the design of a mobile solution?
  • How to build a dynamic form solution?

Dynamic Solutions

What is a dynamic mobile solution?

  • An application or web site that can have content changed without reinstall or redeployment
  • Line of business applications that can adapt to configurable data models and work order processes

Dynamic Solutions

What is a dynamic mobile solution? - Real World Example

  • Based on a mobile solution built for the City of Chicago
  • Mobile solution is a data entry point for an enterprise wide system that manages city data
  • The enterprise application is completely configurable per deparment for the City of Chicago
  • Example of use: Fire inspectors will use the mobile solution to complete different types of inspections while on site
  • Mobile solution can be used for many different types of work order processes

Dynamic Solutions

How does a dynamic solution fit into the enterprise?

  • City of Chicago has ~2700 mobile devices
  • The enterprise system has ~3000 different configurations based on department and entity type
  • Deploying a new application each time a new configuration is introduced is not an option

Dynamic Solutions

How do enterprise concerns drive the design of a mobile solution?

  • Mobile website versus mobile application
  • Deployment is a large concern with so many devices
  • HTML5 based online/offline mobile websites are used whenever possible
  • Mobile applications are used when native functionality is required (via PhoneGap)

Dynamic Solutions

How do enterprise concerns drive the design of a mobile solution? - Mobile Website

  • HTML5 based website
  • Offline Web Application API
  • Web Storage API
  • Website can run in a connected or disconnected state
  • Entity data is stored locally until a sync with the enterprise system is available

Dynamic Solutions

How do enterprise concerns drive the design of a mobile solution? - PhoneGap

  • Framework for building cross platform applications
  • Applications are built in HTML5 and javascript and then wrapped into native applications
  • Phonegap implements native functionality in a platform specific language and exposes it via javascript
  • The mobile website that runs inside of PhoneGap needs to be implemented as a single page html page

Dynamic Solutions

jQuery Mobile to the Rescue!

  • Build cross browser mobile web site that is compatible with Phone Gap
  • Keep one code base for both mobile applications and mobile websites
  • Render input forms dynamically so redeployment is not necessary
  • Create a mobile site based on configurations that has the look and feel of mobile

Mobile Solution

How to build a dynamic form solution? - Goals

  • Create a mobile solution that inputs data based on the configurations in the core enterprise application
  • Provide offline/online access to the application on device
  • Validate inputs against business logic stored in the core enterprise system

Demo Application

Screens - Login

Demo Application

Screens - Locations

Demo Application

Screens - Dynamic Form

Demo Application

How to build a dynamic form solution? - Challenges

  • Getting all entity and form data to the mobile solution so that it can be used in online and offline mode
  • Rendering unique forms for each entity type and assigning values
  • Validating and saving dynamic data back to the core enterprise system

Demo Application


Entity - Represents an actual data item in the system. Examples are inspections, permits, licenses or any item that can be bound to a form

Form Template - The meta data that describes how to render a dynamic form.

Demo Application

Screens - Dynamic Form

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution get its data?

  • Entity data and form templates are downloaded to the device via a JSON based web service
  • Data is downloaded specifically for the user that is logging in
  • After each successful save the web service is called again to update any new data

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution get its data?

JSON snippet of a Control

"controlId": "listWidth",
"controlType": "DROPDOWNLIST",
"defaultChecked": false,
"enabled": true,
"entity": "Chicago.Inspection",
"items": Array[4],
"label": "Inspection Result",
"property": "result",
"required": false}]

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution render the custom forms?

  • Each entity has a corresponding form template that describes the form
  • The form template contains a title, description and a list of controls
  • A jQuery Mobile page is created in code and added to the container

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution render the custom forms?

  • String templates are used to add controls to the page

var html = '<div data-role="fieldcontain">'
+'<label for="%CONTROLID%">%LABEL%</label>' +
+'<input type="text" name="%CONTROLID%" id="%CONTROLID%" />';

html = html.replace( /%CONTROLID%/g , textControl.controlId);

html = html.replace(/%LABEL%/, textControl.label);

if (textControl.required) {
	html = html + "<span style='color:red'>*</span>";

html = html + "</div>";

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution render the custom forms?

  • String templates are used to add controls to the page

var html = '<div data-role="fieldcontain">'+
'<fieldset data-role="controlgroup"><legend>%LABEL%</legend><label for="%CONTROLID%">&nbsp</label>' +
'<input type="checkbox" name="%CONTROLID%" id="%CONTROLID%" %CHECKEDATTRIBUTE% ' +
html += ' /></fieldset></div>';

if (checkControl.checked) {
	html = html.replace(/%CHECKEDATTRIBUTE%/, 'checked="checked"');
} else {
	html = html.replace(/%CHECKEDATTRIBUTE%/, "");
html = html.replace(/%CONTROLID%/g, checkControl.controlId);
html = html.replace(/%LABEL%/, checkControl.label);

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution render the custom forms?

  • After each page is created, it is added to the jQuery Mobile page container

//create markup
var newPage = $(render.getPageTemplate());

//append it to the page container

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution render the custom forms?

  • An array is used to maintain a reference to the controls on a page
  • As a control is added to a page an entry is also added to the control array
  • Looping through the control array gives us a programmatic way to access each control to retrieve and assign values

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution render the custom forms?

  • The control object
function Control(id, property, required, type, controlName) { = id; = property;
	this.required = required;
	this.controlType = type;
	this.controlName = controlName;
	this.value = '';

Control.prototype.setValue = function (value) {
	this.value = value;

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution render the custom forms?

  • The control array
controls.controlArray = [];

controls.addControl = function (control) {

controls.getControl = function (controlId) {

	var controlSearch = controls.controlArray.filter(function (ctrl) {
		return ( == controlId);

	if (controlSearch.length == 0) {
		return null;

	return controlSearch[0];

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution validate and save data?

  • The control array is used to access controls and retrieve values
  • A required field attribute is part of the configuration of each control.
  • Values are assigned back to the entity and uploaded to the enterprise application via web service

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution validate and save data?

  • The control array is looped through and all controls are accessed using helper methods
controls.loadControls = function () {

//Loop through all of the controls and get the values
  for (var i = 0; i < controls.controlArray.length; i++) {

     if (controls.controlArray[i].controlType == "TextBox") {
	controls.controlArray[i].value = controls.getTextBoxValue(controls.controlArray[i].id);
     if (controls.controlArray[i].controlType == "CheckBox") {
	controls.controlArray[i].value = controls.getCheckBoxValue(controls.controlArray[i].id);
     if (controls.controlArray[i].controlType == "DropDownList") {
	controls.controlArray[i].value = controls.getSelectValue(controls.controlArray[i].id);

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution validate and save data?

  • The helper methods all use jquery to access the controls in the page
controls.getTextBoxValue = function(controlId) {
	return $("#" + controlId).val();

controls.getSelectValue = function(controlId) {
	return $("#" + controlId + " option:selected").val();

controls.getCheckBoxValue = function(controlId) {
	return $('#' + controlId).is(':checked');

Demo Application

How does the mobile solution validate and save data?

  • The final save method
app.saveEntity = function () {

	//Validate the controls
	var validationMessages = controls.validate();

	if (!utils.isNullOrEmpty(validationMessages)) {

	//Loop through and set the values on the entity
	for (var i = 0; i < controls.controlArray.length; i++) {
                                                 = controls.controlArray[i].value;

	//Clear out the control list and the state.current fields
	state.currentEntity = {};
	state.currentFormTemplate = {};
	state.currentEntityId = 0;


Live Application Demo

Demo Application


  • Performance - cache each page after the first rendering so it doesn't need to be recreated
  • Validation - provide different types of field validation based on configurations set in the core enterprise application
  • Mulitple Dynamic Pages - support multiple pages added through the form templates
  • Navigation - as multiple pages are added to the application provide a nav bar for navigating between

Thank you!


Building Dynamic Applications Using jQuery Mobile

Pat McLoughlin

  • Technical architect for enterprise solutions
  • Background is in services oriented distributed web applications
  • Will post links to the demo application and source code via blog